"Hikers" Club - Hikers, Walkers and Nature Lovers, Moscow

What is "Hikers" club?

"Hikers" is an active and friendly hiking club, based in Moscow, Russia. Club "Hikers" is a nonprofit organization. Everyone who looking for hiking outdoor activity, outdoor fitness, backpacking may join us. Hikes (free walking tours at Moscow surroundings) take place every Sunday all-year-round in forests of Moscow region. Everyone can join us so long as you can do the hike. The distance varies from 15 to 35 kilometers and it is recommended that hikers be able to sustain a pace of 5 km/h (3 mph). You can meet hikers of different nationalities on our hikes, but most part of our group are Russians. The common languages for our hikers are Russian and English. Hikers are lead by our Leaders. You can always find contact information of the leader along with information about the next hike on the home page. The leaders will usually have scouted the hike ahead of time and can generally answer questions regarding the particular hike. Every Leader has its own "style" of leading. The average number of hikers is around 5 to 50 hikers. Some hikes include special activities, such as swimming or sightseeing. The usual pickup time is half past 9. The usual time of our coming back to Moscow is from 6pm to 8pm (the coming back time varies: we may finish earlier in winter and later in summer).  
Minihike (urban hike) is free evening walking tour in Moscow. It take place every Wednesday in Moscow (mostly in parks). These outdoors usually begin at 7 pm (finish at 10 pm).  

What do I need to join hikes?

Club "Hikers" is a nonprofit organization and open for everyone to join. All out events are free. Costs associated with each hike are the transportation costs only (about 100-300 RUR). No reservation for participation in our hikes is needed. All Hikers are encouraged to bring sufficient water and food for a day's outing together with a personal First Aid pack. Sturdy boots or shoes are a necessity. Recommendations for seasonal equipment you will find below. Hikers are responsible for their own safety and must assume risks and liability for all outings. The club leaders shall not be liable for any injuries, loss or damage to persons or property, direct or consequential, arising out of any trips or club activities.  

Spring, summer and autumn hiking equipment

Trekking boots, day hiking shoes, trail running shoes or comfortable sports shoes are strongly recommended. Your footwear should be appropriate for the terrain youТll be in. We do not recommend sandals for hiking, because its wet in the woodlands and there are also insect, nettles and other hazards. Hiking Essentials: a backpack is recommended for carrying all the equipment in; a hat or a headband on your head; regardless of the weather take a long sleeved shirt (light coloured when it is sunny) and also long trousers/jeans are advised for safety reasons; repellents; a Sit Pad; light waterproof jacket; some food and drink for a lunch. 
Trekking boots Day hiking shoes

Winter equipment

Please consider the deep snow on the trails at our winter hikes. Read the following information carefully and follow our recomendations on winter equipment. Waterproof hiking boots - preferably leather - are a necessity for winter hikes. Basically, it doesn't matter which boots you wear, as long as your feet stay dry, warm, and comfortable. You should always bring an extra pair of socks, as well as the usual things for cold weather; hat, gloves, mittens and etc. Wearing cotton clothing, particularly jeans, is not recommended. All the clothing should be warm and waterproof (alpine jacket and pants - work perfect). When you walk you create heat, but when you stop you can get chilled. So make sure that your clothing can keep you warm even if it is -25°C outside! Also alpine gaiters are necessary. A backpack is recommended for carrying all the stuff in. A sit pad for sitting during a short snack. Take some hot tea and food for a snack. 
Trekking boots Gaiters

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